
OHRC Courses: Working Together & Call It Out!

Course Description

This one-hour course is comprised of two 30-minute courses provided by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC). These courses were created by the OHRC to help raise awareness and assist organizations in addressing issues around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).


Course #1:  

Working Together: The Code and the AODA 


Learn about your rights and responsibilities under the Code and the AODA and how they affect you at work, in services and in housing.

The goal of the AODA is for Ontario to be accessible by 2025, by removing and preventing barriers so that people with disabilities can participate more fully in communities.

This module describes your organization’s rights and responsibilities under the Code and the AODA standards, as well as how they work together. The IASR under the AODA requires training about the Code and how it helps people with disabilities. This module provides that training.

This course aims to explain how AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code functions and how it applies to people with disabilities and about your organization’s duty to accommodate. 


Course #2:

Call It Out: Racism, Racial discrimination, and Human Rights 


This course has 3 sections. In the first section, we will cover the history of racism in Canada. In the second section, we will talk about the forms that racism and racial discrimination can take in people’s lives. In the final section, we will talk about ways to identify and address racial discrimination in your life. 

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Date Added: April 8, 2022
Location: Online
Accreditation Hours: 1 Professional Development Hour
Facilitated By: OHRC
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