Understanding your exposures to Errors & Omissions claims as a Broker is a key to developing your operations strategy.
Examine what clients expect of you, what courts expect of you, and what others expect of you. It is during the discussions that you will be able to answer the questions you need to answer in order to establish the Procedures that best suit your brokerage.
Current IBAO members that are also members of the E&O Plan delivered through AJG receive a complimentary Promo Code to attend these sessions.
Recommended for all brokerage staff. Please register at the link below.
*Payment by credit card only.
Register online
$185 without promo code
Date: Various
Time: AM Sessions 8:30AM–11:45 AM
PM Sessions 1:15PM–4:30PM
PM Sessions 1:15PM–4:30PM
Location: Various
Accreditation Hours: 2 Management Hours + 1 Ethics Hour
Facilitators: Hugh Fardy, Arthur J. Gallagher