Why Hire a Co-Op Student?

We can connect you with students equipped with the academics, technical and digital skills you’re looking for from world leading co-op education programs. Hiring a co-op student can provide you with top talent for job openings including:

  • Actuarial Student/Analyst/Assistant
  • Software Engineering/Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Project Coordinator
  • Insurance Broker
  • Business/Data Analyst

University of Waterloo

With a network of 7,100 co-op employers, the University of Waterloo is the largest of any university in North America that offers their students a means to a greater range of jobs. IBAO is now a part of this network by promoting the opportunity for its membership brokerages to sign up and hire a co-op student.

If a broker is interested in signing up to be a co-op student employer, sign-up and join the University of Waterloo Co-op Fundamentals Info Session. Co-op Hiring Fundamentals is a 30-minute live webinar that reviews:

  • 5 steps to hiring
  • Tips and tricks to hiring emerging talent
  • Funding opportunities
  • Q&A to get you the answers you’re looking for!

Click here for details of the 2024 Fall Partnerships for Employment job fair hosted by University of Waterloo, University of Guelph, Conestoga College, and Wilfred Laurier University.

For inquiries, please contact hire.talent@uwaterloo.ca


Co-operative Programs in Ontario Colleges