What is OPCF 49?
Ontario’s new auto endorsement—OPCF 49 Agreement Not to Recover for Loss or Damage from an Automobile Collision—allows drivers to opt out of Direct Compensation for Property Damage (DCPD) coverage. Effective January 1, 2024, insurers issuing Ontario Automobile Policies (OAP 1) will be required to offer the OPCF 49.
IBAO's New Course
The IBAO has crafted an eLearning course, 2024 DCPD Changes & Introduction of OPCF 49, to guide brokers through the ins and outs of the new endorsement. The course is comprised of a panel discussion between: Jessica L. Kuredjian, Partner, Cassels; Amber Wright, AVP of Auto, Travelers Canada; and Anne Marie Thomas, Director of Consumer & Industry Relations, Insurance Bureau of Canada; moderated by Brett Boadway, COO, IBAO. The course is free for IBAO Members.